Admissions Visits
Visit campus for a refreshed look at what MSU Denver has to offer.
Transferology is a free web based credit evaluation tool that shows how the credits you have taken or plan to take will potentially transfer to MSU Denver for credit.
These guides will provide you with a list of classes, by major, students can take at a Colorado Community College as part of their Associates Degree, that will transfer and apply to the Bachelor’s Degree programs at MSU Denver
Explore our current Course Catalog to find details on degree program requirements at MSU Denver
Learn about the Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) to explore earning credit from exams.
If you have taken new classes since you last attended MSU Denver, you must submit your official transcripts to be admitted to MSU Denver. It may take 1-2 weeks for an official review. Please check in with the Office of the Registrar to check your status.
Complete a financial aid application – FAFSA for U.S. citizens and permanent residents (school code- 001360) or CASFA for undocumented students and nonresidents.
Roadrunner Promise may cover your tuition and fees with a combination of federal, state, institutional and scholarship gift aid for eligible students.
Tuition Lock guarantees your tuition will be locked in for two years from the semester you are a re-admitted student. To maintain your tuition lock, you must be enrolled in 12 credit hours per semester.
Colorado residents qualify for the College Opportunity Fund (COF) stipend which pays for a portion of the in-state tuition on every course credit you take.
As an MSU Denver student you may be eligible for hundreds of internal and external scholarships.
Some scholarships that may interest you:
Learn more about the tuition and costs associated with MSU Denver.
Cost reflects one semester of tuition and fees for 12 credit hours.
Colorado Resident with College Opportunity Fund (COF)
Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE)
Academic Advisors can help you determine what major is right for you and how far you are from degree completion. Connect with an Advisor early to learn more.
The Returning Roadrunner program in the Office of Reengagement supports students as they re-engage with MSU Denver and through your degree completion with Re-Engagement Navigators.
These offices at MSU Denver you will assist you with your next steps:
We are excited to welcome you back to the Roadrunner family at MSU Denver.
Next StepsGet a peek of Auraria Campus in-person or from the comfort of your home
Visit campus for a refreshed look at what MSU Denver has to offer.
Explore campus from anywhere, anytime through the 360 tour. Navigate through many of the areas of campus and learn a few things along the way.
If you have a balance due from your previous time at MSU Denver, you must resolve this with the Office of Bursar prior to re-admission.
If you received financial aid during your previous enrollment at MSU Denver, we recommend you contact the Office of Financial Aid to check your status.
If your name has changed since the last time you were here, you must submit a change of information form through the Office of the Registrar.
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You can also find and connect with your Admissions Counselor
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